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Installed Fileset Build Date Is 1036

Installed Fileset Build Date Is 1036 Rating: 3,8/5 9231 reviews
Installed fileset build date is 1036 free

Installed Fileset Build Date Is 1036 Today

Installed fileset build date of 1036 is more recent than the selected fileset build date of 1015. 0503-465 installp: The build date requisite check failed for fileset Installed fileset build date of 1036 is more recent than the selected fileset build date of 1015. Select all Open in new window. Checking fileset build dates The installp command has been enhanced to check the 'build date' of filesets being installed to ensure that an older fileset is not installed on top of a new fileset.

I had to rebuild my system recently due to BIOS corruption. I forgot to reset the Date and Time in the BIOS. I reinstalled the Operating System but couldn't Activate, that's when I noticed that the Date and Time were way off. Now when I run PowerShell$os = Get-WmiObject win32OperatingSystem; $os.ConvertToDateTime($os. The 'Windows updates' method seems to work for more recent servers.However, the one I am trying to get the info for was installed prior to August 2010 (I know this because it was here when I started in the role) yet the oldest update in the list is from July 2011. Maybe it only keeps a certain number of updates in it's history?However, I browsed to the registry key and that gives me a date or - this is certainly in the right ball park. However, the 'Install Source' in this key is 'e:exchangebin' - a location which wouldn't have been present when the OS was installed.

Or am I reading this wrong? As a conclusion, it doesn't seem that there is a foolproof way of identifying when the OS was installed.